What If I'm Wrong

Our world thrives on controversy, making people so mad they cannot see, who does it serve and why do we hate, could we work together, to bring about change. Don’t get caught up in your certainty, closing out ideas that are contrary, the only thing constant in this life is change so ask yourself. What if I’m wrong, what if these thoughts I have formed, are misguided and designed to, keep us apart, what if I’m wrong. It’s human to fear the unknown but these newcomers are just trying to find a home, all they want is somewhere to belong so give them a hand instead of wishing they were gone. Don’t get caught up in your certainty, closing out ideas that are contrary, the only thing constant in this life is change so ask yourself. What if I’m wrong, what if these thoughts I have formed, are misguided and designed to, keep us apart, what if I’m wrong. Please accept the fact that the climate is changing, the desert is growing, the ocean is rising, I’m terrified and I understand why you don’t want to believe. Don’t get caught up in your certainty, closing out ideas that are contrary, the only thing constant in this life is change so ask yourself. What if I’m wrong, what if these thoughts I have formed, are misguided and designed to, keep us apart, what if I’m wrong. What if I’m wrong, what if these thoughts I have formed, are misguided and designed to, keep us apart, what if I’m wrong. What if I’m wrong, what if these thoughts I have formed, are misguided and designed to, keep us apart, what if I’m wrong.

The trees breath out clouds the sun shines down the rain pours all around me. The wind howls past I’m happy at last right here in the eye of the storm. I tried to stay sane and not think about the strain we put on this earth and all who live on it, although I had some success I feel it’s time for recompense to heal the spaces around me. I do this for the trees and I speak for the bees, I do not hold myself above you, I come from love and I hope I can dissolve this hatred that I feel around me. Please now I’m begging you rethink this destructive plan you’re leading us through all we want to do is show you a new view and help you realize it’s not just about me and you.

A flattened landscape of mountains and trees, hills and valleys, rivers and streams. Making way for concrete blocks, then we build green places to negate what we’ve lost. Will you stay docile, or will you answer the call to re-wild. Pillars of steam and exhaust pour into the sky choking the wildlife, we take them away when they get to close, because this is our space, they don’t belong anymore. Will you stay docile, or will you answer the call to re-wild. We go crashing through, this old growth forest,  until there’s nothing left before us, why can’t we see, that all this time, we’re causing the death of the wild. Will you stay docile, or will you answer the call to re-wild.
I’m liking all the bees on the blackberry blossoms, their buzzing brings the day awake with new colours and new smells, there was a time i have to say when I would swat them all away but we need them now to bring new life out of the ground. Carpenter ants swarm through the tree, I watch them as they ignore me, to busy breaking down the wood to pay head. At first I was revolted by their crawling contortions but we need them now to bring new life out of the ground. Underneath the grass and clover when you go to turn it over, you’ll see those worms wriggling around, although they might not look like much, it’s clear that as they munch, they help to bring that new life out of the ground. It’s clear to anyone who cares to look that if we went and took, all of these insects out of the world, life for us would be more difficult and so I implore you folk, to help to keep the new life coming out of the ground.